About UsThe Lake Shore Region Youth Board is comprised of delegates chosen by each club in Lake Shore Region. Members must be either over the age of 13 or a D3 HM. Each club is allowed three delegates,a and delegates may change each year as clubs see fit. These members from across the region work together and with the Regional Council to improve and facilitate programs for all members of the region.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please email us! |
GrantsLSR YB scholarships are open to all members of Lake Shore Region. We offer scholarships for most disciplines and events offered through the region. The application requires a short form and one page essay. Essays are graded anonymously and the writer's age is taken into account.
Available grants: Dressage Rally (2 for $75) Foxhunting (2 for $75) Gymkhana/ Games Rally (1 for $50) D Jamboree (2 for $100) Pick your Ride Rally (2 for $75) Regional Camp (2 for $100) Show Jumping Rally (2 for $75) Please write your essay on a separate Google Doc and submit it to the LSR Youth Board Email.D JamboreeJamboree is a small summer camp for D level members of the region. This camp is entirety run and financed by the Lake shore Region Youth Board. This camp is a great first camp for new and/or inexperienced members.
MeetingsThe LSR YB meets Bi-annually in conjunction with the spring and fall Regional Council meeting.
Our next meeting is on FEB 22nd in conjunction with the DC/ CA Round table meeting. Meetings will be held at the BDHS in Beaver Dam 500 Gould St, Beaver Dam, WI 53916 |